什么是Dynamics 365?

Dynamics 365 is a powerful suite of cloud-based business applications developed by Microsoft. Among the applications in the suite are Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE). These two applications share some similarities, but they also have some key differences. 在这篇博文中, 我们将探索Dynamics 365销售和Dynamics 365 CE之间的差异, and help you understand which application might be the best fit for your business needs.

微软D365销售和D365 CE常见问题

什么是Dynamics 365销售?

Dynamics 365销售 is a customer relationship management (CRM) application that helps businesses manage their sales processes. 它旨在帮助销售团队管理潜在客户, 机会, 和客户贯穿整个销售周期. Dynamics 365销售为潜在客户和机会管理提供了工具, 管道跟踪, 销售预测, 和协作. 它还包括销售仪表板等功能, 移动接入, 以及与Microsoft Office 365的集成.

Dynamics 365销售的主要优势是什么?

Dynamics 365销售的主要优点之一是它对销售流程的关注. 它的目的是帮助销售团队完成更多的交易, 使用工具来帮助他们识别和管理潜在客户, 跟踪销售业绩, 与团队成员合作. Dynamics 365销售 also integrates with other Dynamics 365 applications – such as Dynamics 365 Marketing and Dynamics 365 客户服务 – to provide a comprehensive sales and 市场营销 solution.

什么是Dynamics 365客户互动?

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) is a more comprehensive application that includes capabilities beyond just sales management. It includes features for 客户服务, 市场营销, 现场服务, 项目管理. Dynamics 365 CE is designed to help businesses manage all aspects of the customer lifecycle, 从最初的接触到售后支持.

Dynamics 365 CE的主要优点是什么?

Dynamics 365 CE的主要优点之一是它的灵活性. 它可以定制,以满足各种企业的需求, 使用创建自定义实体的工具, 字段, 和工作流. Dynamics 365 CE also includes a wide range of integrations with other Microsoft and third-party applications, allowing businesses to connect all their customer-related data and processes in one place.

Dynamics 365销售和Dynamics 365 CE之间的主要区别

Dynamics 365销售和Dynamics 365 CE之间的主要区别在于它们的关注点. Dynamics 365销售主要是为销售团队设计的, while Dynamics 365 CE is designed for businesses that want to manage all aspects of the customer lifecycle. Dynamics 365 CE包括客户服务等附加功能, 市场营销, 现场服务, 项目管理, 哪些不包括在Dynamics 365销售中.

这两个应用程序之间的另一个关键区别是它们的定制级别. 虽然这两个应用程序都可以定制以满足个别企业的需求, Dynamics 365 CE is generally considered to be more customizable or designed with a wider range of options available.


The choice between Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE will depend on your business needs. 如果你的业务主要集中在销售上, 你需要一个工具来帮助管理你的销售过程, 那么Dynamics 365销售可能是最适合你的. 另一方面, 如果你需要一个更全面的工具,包括客户服务功能, 市场营销, 项目管理, 那么Dynamics 365 CE可能是更好的选择.

最终, both Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE are powerful tools that can help businesses manage their customer relationships more effectively. 通过理解两个应用程序之间的差异, 你可以做出一个明智的决定,哪一个是最适合你的业务.


特性/功能Dynamics 365销售Dynamics 365 CE
与Microsoft Office 365集成


如你所见, Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE share many of the same features and functions such as sales management, 领导管理, 机会管理. 然而, Dynamics 365 CE包括营销自动化的附加功能, 客户服务, 现场服务, 项目管理. Dynamics 365 CE also offers a wider range of customization options and integrations with third-party applications.

Dynamics 365销售 is primarily designed for 专注于销售的企业 such as retail, 制造业, 或批发业务. It is well-suited for businesses that need to manage their sales processes more effectively, 具有潜在客户和机会管理功能, 管道跟踪, 销售预测. Dynamics 365销售也非常适合使用Microsoft Office 365的企业, 因为它与Outlook和Excel等其他微软应用程序无缝集成.

以服务为基础的企业,如咨询公司, 律师事务所, 或者医疗机构, 可能会发现Dynamics 365 CE更适合他们的需求. Dynamics 365 CE包括客户服务功能, 营销自动化, 现场服务, 项目管理, which are important for service-based businesses that need to manage complex customer relationships. 例如, 律师事务所可以使用Dynamics 365 CE来管理客户关系, 跟踪计费小时数, 以及管理文件和合同.

Another factor to consider when choosing between Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE is the level of customization required. Dynamics 365 CE提供了更广泛的个性化选项, 对于具有独特流程或需求的业务,哪些可能是重要的. Dynamics 365销售 is still highly customizable but may not offer the same level of flexibility as Dynamics 365 CE.

在一般情况下, 专注于销售的企业, 少强调客户服务或项目管理, 可能会发现Dynamics 365销售更适合他们的需求. 然而, businesses that need to manage complex customer relationships with a focus on service and support may benefit more from Dynamics 365 CE. 最终, the choice between Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE will depend on the specific needs and priorities of each business.

Dynamics 365销售和Dynamics 365 CE有哪些ERP集成选项?

Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE offer a wide range of integration options with other business applications, 包括各种ERP(企业资源计划)系统. Two popular ERP integrations available for Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE are 圣人Intacct and Dynamics BC.

圣人Intacct is a cloud-based accounting software that is designed for small and mid-sized businesses. 它提供了一系列的财务管理功能, 包括应付帐款, 应收账款, 总账. 圣人Intacct can be integrated with Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE to provide a comprehensive solution for managing financial and sales processes.

Dynamics BC (Business Central) is a cloud-based ERP system that is designed for small and mid-sized businesses. It includes features for financial management, supply chain management, project management, and more. Dynamics BC can be integrated with Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE to provide a complete solution for managing all aspects of a business.

除了完整的圣人和动力BC, Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE offer a wide range of integration options with other ERP systems, 包括甲骨文, SAP, 和NetSuite. These integrations allow businesses to connect their sales and 客户服务 processes with their financial and operational processes, 为客户和员工提供无缝的体验.

整体, the availability of these ERP integrations makes Dynamics 365销售 and Dynamics 365 CE a flexible and powerful solution for businesses of all sizes and industries. 具备与各种ERP系统集成的能力, businesses can streamline their processes and improve their overall efficiency and productivity.